Everything is energy. The body has a different vibrational frequency than emotions have; that is why we can touch the body with our hands. If the energy flows freely, we are in good health. In case of illness or injuries, the free flow of energy is disturbed or blocked. There are different methods to free the energy or to stop energy leaks. The goal is to let the energy flow freely again. Sometimes during this process feelings that were suppressed for a long time are released. Memories can thus be dealt with and old traumas might heal. Body work is one possibility to overcome the resistance of the unconscious against change. Using body work helps to speed up healing of scars and fractures, and can ease pain of various origins.
Body work can be very relaxing and soothing, but sometimes also very taxing and just hard work.
When you are in harmony with everything, your surroundings are going to change positively and even impossible things turn possible.